General Sport Betting Rules
Inconsistent with these Sports Betting Rules and Regulations, the Sports Betting Rules and Regulations must be followed. The application of relevant Gaming Rules and Regulations shall not be construed as to conflict with any other provision of these Sports Betting Rules, article 30, title 44 or any other applicable statute. The Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) solicited and received input from the public, the sports wagering industry, and other stakeholders regarding proposed rules and any other comments relevant to the Illinois Sports Wagering Act contained in P.A 101-0031. The 30 day public comment period closed on September 27, 2019. Sports Betting Rules Applicable to All Sports 1. All sporting events and non-sporting events must take place on the date and at the site scheduled - unless otherwise specified. Time changes within a day do not affect wagers. B Betting result B1 Common betting rules B1.1 Specific Sport Rules (B2): There are exceptions or variations to these rules for certain sports and bets. The bettor should therefore always consult the sport-specific rules of each sport - found under “Special rules” - as the sport-specific rules will take precedence over the general betting rules.
General Rules
- The posted dates and times of fixtures are purely informational. Pinnacle cannot guarantee accuracy. An incorrectly posted date and/or time is not grounds for voiding bets.
- If a fixture isn’t completed within 30 hours of its officially planned starting time, then all bets on that fixture will be void. The exceptions to this rule are:
- Fixtures which in their normal course can take longer than 30 hours, such as golf tournaments.
- Sport-specific exceptions laid out in the rules section for each individual sport.
- Bets on the “First Team to Score” have action as soon as there is a score, regardless of whether the fixture is completed.
- The result of a fixture will be the final determination by the fixture’s governing body on the date of the fixture’s completion. Pinnacle does not recognise protested or overturned decisions. The result of bets on a fixture suspended after the start of competition will be decided according to the betting rules specified for that sport. If nothing is specified in the sport’s rules, then General Rule #2 applies.
- Unless otherwise specified in a particular sport’s rules, all bets on a fixture will be void if the venue is changed.
- Bets on a specific period count only the scoring in that period, and are unaffected by what happens in prior or subsequent periods. If for any reason a fixture is not completed within the time specified in our rules, bets on the full fixture will be void. Any periods that have been completed will have action.
- If a “Draw” price is offered in a Money Line market, and the draw happens, then bets on each team lose. If a draw is not offered and a draw happens, then bets on both teams are void.
- In any fixture involving a forfeit, walkover, or any other event where the fixture is considered complete without having been played, all bets will be void, regardless of how the governing body of its league scores it.
- If a market includes exactly one or two names of competitors, then all listed competitors must participate in the fixture for the bet to have action.
- Misspellings, typographical errors, and teams changing names are not grounds for bets to be void, as long as it is clear based on the context what the intended fixture was.
- If a fixture is offered with an incorrect number of rounds or periods or with a non-standard duration for the sport without it being indicated, all bets on that fixture will be void.
- For aggregate Home/Away score markets of a league on a Day (or Week in the case of American football), if all fixtures on that Day/Week are not played to completion all bets on the market are void.
- Multi-way betting is 'ALL-IN': bets always have action unless a stipulation is added to the market that a certain competitor must start for action. If such a stipulation is included, then all bets on all competitors will be void if the stipulated competitor does not start in that specific event.
- All winning bets on Multi-Way markets are paid out at full odds, regardless of the number of winners.
- If a market is offered with “The Field” as a betting option, named teams or competitors must beat every other competitor for a bet on that competitor to win. If a listed competitor ties for a win, bets on the tied competitors will be void, and all other bets will be lost.
- All settled markets are final after 72 hours and no queries will be entertained after that period of time. Within 72 hours after markets are settled, Pinnacle will only reset or correct the results due to human error, system error or mistakes made by the referring results source.
- Pinnacle reserves the right to void any bet at any time if it deems the bet to have been made in a fraudulent manner.
- All bets will be accepted or rejected purely at Pinnacle's discretion. In-Play bets may be subject to a short delay before they are accepted and/or they will be kept pending during dangerous situations at Pinnacle’s discretion.
- If there is an obvious error in the odds or limit of a market, bets on that market may be void.
- In case of any contradictions: Market Rules take precedence over Sport Rules; which take precedence over General Rules.
American Football
- If a game is suspended with fewer than 55 minutes completed, all bets on the Game-period will be void and bets on completed periods will have action. If a game is suspended after 55 minutes of play and not resumed within six hours of suspension, then regardless of whether the game is completed at a later date, all bets will have action and the score when the game was suspended will be considered final.
- If a game is not started within 12 hours of its originally scheduled time all bets will be void.
- Bets on the Game and 2nd Half-periods include points scored in overtime.
American Football Market Rules
- Team to Score Next: Extra Points and 2-Point Conversions are not considered a score. The “point after try” is considered part of scoring the Touchdown.
- Passing Statistics: Bets are void if a named Quarterback doesn’t attempt at least one pass.
- Rushing Statistics Over/Under: If the named competitor plays but has no rushing attempts, their total and first attempted rushing yardage is considered to be zero.
- Receiving Statistics Over/Under: If a named Receiver plays, but does not have a catch, their total and first attempted receiving yardage is considered to be zero.
- Time of Score: Seconds listed in the market are inclusive, so events that happen on that second of game time are counted.
- First 1st Down: 1st downs gained on penalties and changes of possession are not counted.
- Unanswered Scores: Extra Points and 2-Point Conversions are counted as part of the Touchdown and not considered consecutive scoring events. Any return by the opposition on an Extra Point or 2-Point Conversion attempt also does not count towards these markets.
- Longest Touchdown: If there are no Touchdowns, these markets will be void.
- Team Quarterback Statistics: Only statistics achieved by competitors listed as Quarterbacks on the team’s roster will be counted. For example, if a Running Back throws a Touchdown pass, that would not be counted as an attempt, completion or Touchdown pass for that team’s Quarterbacks.
- Special Teams and Defensive Touchdowns: The only Touchdowns considered to be Special Teams Touchdowns are on plays where the ball is actually kicked or punted (these include: Kickoff Returns, Punt Returns, returns of a fumbled Kickoff Return, returns of a fumbled Punt Return, blocked Field Goal Returns, or blocked Punt Returns). A fake Field Goal or fake Punt which results in a Touchdown by the team that snapped the ball is considered an offensive Touchdown.
- Competitor to Score a Touchdown: Passing for a Touchdown is not considered scoring a Touchdown. Only the competitor who has possession of the ball in the End Zone is considered to have scored the Touchdown.
- Pass Interference Penalties: Both offensive and defensive Interference counts, however the penalty must be accepted and enforced on the play to be considered valid. If the penalty is declined or if there are offsetting penalties negating enforcement of Interference, then the winner will be determined on the next Interference penalty.
- Holding Penalties: Both offensive and defensive Holding counts, however the penalty must be accepted and enforced on the play to be considered valid. If the penalty is declined or if there are offsetting penalties negating enforcement of Holding, then the winner will be determined on the next Holding penalty.
- Longest Kickoff Return: Bets are void if each team doesn’t have at least one Kickoff Return.
- Longest Punt Return: Bets are void if each team doesn’t have at least one Punt Return.
- Number of Different Players to Score: All scoring plays except Safeties are counted.
- First Touchdown Pass Distance Over/Under: Bets are void if the named Quarterback doesn’t complete at least one Touchdown Pass.
- AFC/NFC Champion Futures: The champion of each conference is the team that reaches the Super Bowl.
- Regular Season Wins: Will be settled when a team exceeds their win total and is expected to play all of their scheduled games or cannot possibly exceed their win total given their number of games remaining and are expected to play all of their scheduled games. If there is any reasonable doubt as to whether or not a team will play a complete season, their Season Wins markets won’t be settled until they do. Once Season Wins markets have been settled, they will not be changed, even if a team plays fewer games than expected for any reason.
- NCAA Football Season Wins: Bowl games and Conference Championship games are not counted towards Regular Season Wins totals. Teams must play every scheduled regular season game for action.
- NCAA Football Conference Championship Futures: If the conference has an official championship game, the winner of that game is considered to have won that conference. For Divisional Odds within the conferences, the team participating in the Conference Championship game is considered to have won that division.
- NFL Weekly Markets: If any game in the listed week is cancelled or postponed, and not completed within 96 hours of its scheduled start time, all weekly markets will be void, regardless of the outcome of any specific game.
- Heisman Trophy Winner Yes/No: Bets made before the competitor’s team’s first scheduled game will be void if the competitor does not play in that game.
- Tied After First Score: “Yes” will be considered the winner if the game is tied any time after the first score, including if it is tied following a Touchdown, before the Extra Point or 2-Point Conversion attempt.
- Kickoff/Punt Return Match-ups: Both listed competitors must have at least one Kick/Punt Return for action.
- Last Score Markets: Only Touchdowns, Field Goals and Safeties will be counted. Extra Points and 2-Point Conversions following Touchdowns will not.
- Punt Markets: A blocked Punt will count as a Punt for Team Punt markets, but not count towards markets for a competitor’s number of Punts.
- Punter Markets: In all markets with an individual Punter named - except “Total Punts by a Punter Over/Under” - that punter must have at least one Punt for action.
- Longest Field Goal: Bets will be void if there are no successful Field Goals.
- Match-ups Markets: The competitor who advances to the latest round of competition will be considered the winner. If both competitors are knocked out in the same preliminary round but compete in the same race, starting at the same time, then the better finisher in that race will be considered the winner. If both contestants are knocked out in the same preliminary round, but race in separate heats then regardless of the time or finish bets will be void. If both competitors make the final round of competition, the better finisher in that round will be the winner.
Aussie Rules
- All Aussie Rules matches must complete at least 80 minutes of play to have action, except for matches which are scheduled to play less time.
Auto Racing
- If a Race or Qualifier is delayed for any reason, if the delay lasts longer than 48 hours all bets will be void.
- The start of any Race is defined as the signal to start the warm-up lap.
Auto Racing Market Rules
- Qualifying: All Qualifying bets on a competitor have action once that competitor starts qualifying. Subsequent penalties or demotions will not affect the results of bets. If a competitor does not start qualifying, bets on that competitor qualifying or on qualifying position are void.
- If a competitor retires or is disqualified bets on the Match Money Line market will have action as long as one Set has been completed, otherwise these bets will be void. Bets on other markets will be void unless the period was played to completion before the retirement or disqualification.
- Unless otherwise specified all Match-period markets are for regulation time only and do not include overtime.
- If the format of a match is changed from two halves of 45 minutes to three periods of 30 minutes, bets on the Match-period will have action and bets on all other periods will be void.
- Game-period Money Line bets have three options with regards to starting pitchers:
- 'Action': The bet is team against team, regardless of who the starting pitcher is for either team. If there is a pitching change, the odds for Action bets will be adjusted to the first odds offered after the new pitcher is announced.
- 'Listed Pitchers': Requires that both of the pitchers selected on the bet must start the game for their respective teams. If either selected pitcher does not start the game, then these bets will be void.
- 'One Listed Pitcher”: If the selected pitcher does not start, the bet is void. If the other pitcher does not start the game the odds for the bet are adjusted to the first odds offered after the new pitcher is announced.
- All other markets that include both starting pitcher’s names will be void if either of those pitchers do not start the game.
- A pitcher is considered to have started a game once they have thrown the first pitch for their team. A non-pitcher is considered to have started the game once they have made their first plate appearance.
- If a market other than the Game-period Money Line includes exactly one or two names of competitors, then all listed competitors must start the game for the bet to have action. The exception to this rule is markets for competitor “Save” statistics which will have action regardless of whether or not the competitor plays in the game.
- Bets made before the start of the game on the Game-period Money Line market have action as long as at least 5 innings (or 4.5 innings if the Home team is winning) are completed. If a game is called before 9 innings (or 8.5 innings of the Home team wins) are complete, the score at the end of the last completed inning will be considered final. All Game-period markets, other than the Money Line, have action only once 9 innings or (8.5 if Home team wins) are completed. Periods that have been played to completion will have action even if the game is not completed.
- All Game-period In-Play markets require that the game be played to completion with 9 innings (or 8.5 if Home team wins) to have action. Periods that have been played to completion will have action even if the game is not played to completion.
- A baseball game is considered to have been played to completion when at least 9 innings (or 8.5 innings if Home wins) have been completed and a final result has been determined. In games where a “Mercy Rule” is expressly part of the rules, a game is considered to have been played to completion when a Mercy Rule is invoked. If a game is declared official by its governing body, it has no bearing on how bets are settled if sufficient innings have not been played.
- Bets on the 1st Half-period of baseball games are based on the results at the conclusion of five innings of play. Bets made before the game on the 1st Half-period Handicap and Money Line markets have action once five innings are played or 4.5 innings if the game is called at 4.5 innings and the Home team is declared the winner. All other 1st Half markets (including the In-Play 1st Half Handicap and Money Line markets) require at least five innings to be played for action.
- If a game is suspended in order to be resumed at a later date, all bets on the Game-period markets are void, and bets on completed periods have action. With the exception of MLB Playoff games, which will have action whenever the game is completed.
- In circumstances when the “Home” team is not playing at their home stadium, the team whose starting pitcher throws the very first pitch of the game is considered the Home team.
- Seven Inning Doubleheader Rules:
- Bets made before the start of the game on the Game-period Money Line market have action as long as at least 5 innings (or 4.5 innings if the Home team is winning) are completed. All Game-period markets, other than the Money Line, have action only once 7 innings or (6.5 if Home team wins) are completed. Periods that have been played to completion will have action even if the game is not completed.
- All Game-period In-Play markets require that the game be played to completion with 7 innings (or 6.5 if Home team wins) to have action. Periods that have been played to completion will have action even if the game is not played to completion.
- All bets on Seven Inning Doubleheader games will be void if it is not indicated that it is a seven inning game.
Baseball Market Rules
- MLB Regular Season Wins: Will be settled when a team exceeds their win total and is expected to play at least 160 games or cannot possibly exceed their win total given their number of games remaining and is expected to play at least 160 games. If there is any reasonable doubt as to whether or not a team will play at least 160 games, their Season Wins markets won’t be settled until they do. Any additional tiebreaker games (such as Wildcard or Division) will not be counted towards Regular Season Wins. Once Season Wins markets have been settled, they will not be changed, even if a team plays fewer games than expected for any reason.
- Total Bases: A Single is worth one, a Double is worth two, a Triple is worth three, a Home Run is worth four. No other type of play counts towards Total Bases markets.
- Runs Allowed: Earned and Unearned Runs are counted.
- Innings Pitched: Each inning completed is worth one, and each out recorded thereafter worth 0.1.
- Division Winner: Markets are resulted based on standings at the end of the season, as long as every team in the division has played at least 90% of their scheduled games. If teams are tied in terms of record, the winner will be 1) the winner of the tiebreaker game or 2) the team declared the winner by the league's tiebreaker system for seeding playoff teams.
- Season-Long Home Run Leader: If the Home Run lead is tied, Batting Average will be used as the tiebreaker.
- Season-Long Competitor Match-ups: If either competitor does not play in at least one of his team’s first 10 games all bets are void.
- Hits + Runs + Errors Markets: Games must be played to completion for action. If a game is called or suspended in extra innings, the results will be determined after the last completed inning, unless the home team scores to tie in the bottom half of the inning, in which case the result is determined at the time the game is called.
- No-Hitters Markets: Individual and combined No-Hitters are counted as long as the game is played to completion.
- Competitor Statistics Markets: Games must be played to completion for action. If a game is suspended before completion and the game is resumed the following day, statistics from both days will be counted towards the results of these markets. If the game is not resumed the following day, all bets will be void.
- Competitor Statistic Match-Up Markets: All bets have action as long as both competitors start the game and the game is played to completion.
- Home/Away Markets: If a game is suspended after at least nine innings have been completed, the score after the last fully completed inning will be used for that game.
- MLB Regular Season Win Percentage: Bets will be settled at the conclusion of the Regular Season. Bets have action as long as the team has completed at least 140 Regular Season games. Any Play-In Games are NOT considered for the purposes of Regular Season Win Percentage.
- In the NBA all bets on the Game-period are void if fewer than 43 minutes are completed. In all other competitions, bets on the Game-period are void if fewer than 35 minutes are completed. Bets on any periods that have been played to completion will have action.
- If an 'Elam Ending' is used, the target score has to be reached for bets to have action for any period that includes such an ending. All bets will be settled based on the final score once the target score is reached, regardless of the actual duration of the game.
- Bets on the Game and 2nd-Half periods include all overtimes played in their result.
Basketball Market Rules
- Regular Season Wins: Will be settled when a team exceeds their win total and is expected to play all of their scheduled games or cannot possibly exceed their win total given their number of games remaining and are expected to play all of their scheduled games. If there is any reasonable doubt about whether or not a team will play a complete season, their Season Wins markets won’t be settled until they do. Once Season Wins markets have been settled, they will not be changed, even if a team plays fewer games than expected for any reason.
- NBA Regular Season Win Percentage 2020-2021: Bets will be settled at the conclusion of the Regular Season. Bets have action as long as the team has completed at least 50 Regular Season games. The Play-In Tournaments between the 7-10 seeds in each Conference are not counted as Regular Season games.
- NBA Conference Winners: For team to win the Conference Winner Futures, the winner of the respective Conference will be the team that reaches the NBA Finals.
- Competitor Statistics: In pre-game markets that include exactly one or two names of competitors, then all listed competitors must start the game for the bet to have action. For In-Play markets with named competitors, the named competitors need only play in the game for action.
- Buzzer Beater Markets: A “Buzzer Beater” is defined as a made shot that leaves absolutely no time on the game clock at the end of the game and the shot puts the shooter’s team ahead for the win, when the shooter’s team immediately prior to the shot had been tied or losing.
- NBA Division Winners: NBA Division Winner markets have action as long as all teams in the division have played more than half of their scheduled games at the conclusion of the regular season. Any ties will be broken by the NBA’s determination.
- Double/Triple Double Markets: A “Double Double” is defined as 10 or more of at least two of the following categories: Points, Rebounds, Assists, Steals or Blocks. A “Triple Double” is 10 or more of three of those categories.
Boxing & MMA
- A fight is considered official once the first round begins, regardless of the scheduled or actual duration.
- If the number of scheduled rounds is changed, bets on the Money Line have action. Bets on Total Rounds Over/Under markets have action only if the newly scheduled round count is greater than the total that was bet. Other Total Rounds Over/Under bets will be void.
- Unless indicated otherwise, fights will be void if they do not take place within one week of the scheduled date.
- All Full-Fight period markets are void in the case of a technical draw. Periods that have been completed and markets that have been conclusively determined before the ending of the fight will be settled.
- If a fight is deemed “No Contest” all bets are void except for periods that have already been completed and markets that have already been conclusively determined.
- Bets have action if a venue is changed to another location within the same country. If it is changed to a different country, all bets on the fight are void.
- If a fight involves an extra round or “Sudden Victory” round, these rounds will be counted in all relevant markets.
Boxing Market Rules
- Inside Distance Markets: A bet on a fighter to win “Inside Distance” wins if the selected fighter wins by KO, TKO, DQ or Technical Decision.
- “KO” Markets:A bet on a fighter to win by “KO” wins if the selected fighter wins by KO, TKO, or DQ.
- Rounds Over/Under: For the purposes of this market, a round is considered complete once half of its time has elapsed and the fight is ongoing.
MMA Market Rules
- Rounds Over/Under Markets: For the purposes of this market, a round is considered complete once half of its time has elapsed and the fight is ongoing.
- Inside Distance Markets: A bet on a fighter to win “Inside Distance” wins if the selected fighter wins by KO, TKO, DQ, Submission or any other form of stoppage.
- “KO” Markets: A bet on a fighter to win by “KO” wins if the selected fighter wins by KO, TKO, or corner stoppage. A win by submission is not considered a KO/TKO in MMA.
- Victory Method Markets: Yes/No markets for a fighter’s method of victory will be deemed “No” if the fight ends in a draw.
- Win in Round X Markets: Fights are deemed to have finished in a round if the fight ends during that round, or a fighter doesn’t answer the bell for the following round.
- If a Test match does not complete four innings, Money Line bets will be settled based on the official announcement and Match-period Over/Under markets are void. If a match is not completed, bets on periods that have been completed will have action.
- If a One-Day International or Twenty20 match does not complete at least the scheduled number of Overs, Money Line bets will be settled based on the official announcement and Match-Period Over/Under markets will be void. If a match is not completed, bets on periods that have been completed will have action.
- Unless otherwise specified, Match-period bets include any Super Overs played.
- Unless otherwise stated “Extra Ends” are always included in the result.
- Any match that is played and has an official result is considered completed.
- If a race is postponed for any reason, bets have action as long as the race is started within one week of the original starting date.
- In “Classifications” that are decided over multiple legs/stages the winner will be the competitor or team that is classified highest at the end of the contest.
Cycling Market Rules
- Matchups: If neither competitor completes the contest, then the winner will be the competitor that completed the most stages. If both competitors complete the same number of stages, then the winner will be the competitor that was classified higher after the last completed leg or stage.
- Once each competitor throws their first dart the match and any completed periods will have action, regardless of any competitor retirements.
- If the format of a match is changed (number of Maps, rounds etc.) all bets will be void unless that information was conveyed in the market or the change had no effect on a particular market (such as bets on specific Maps or First Blood etc.).
- If a Map is remade or rewound by Chronobreak or similar method, any markets that have already been determined (such as First Blood, First Tower, First to 10 Kills etc.) will be not be changed. Any markets that have not previously been determined will be settled based on the results of the remade or rewound Map.
- In a match where one team or competitor has an advantage of one or more Maps awarded as part of the tournament format (for example due to one team coming from the upper bracket in a double elimination format), Pinnacle’s match line will include the given advantage. If there is a 1-0 advantage, Pinnacle’s Map offering will start with Map 2, if there is a 2-0 advantage, Pinnacle’s Map offering will start with Map 3 etc. If the advantage comes from a walkover/default win that was awarded by admin decision - for example due to one team showing up late to their match - this does not apply.
- “Kill” markets will be resulted using the in-game scoreboard.
- Match-period Handicap, Money Line and Over/Under markets use Maps won as scoring units.
- Any overtime or other tiebreaker method used is considered valid in determining results.
- If a Map is void due to retirement, disconnection, disqualification, walkover or other admin decision: all bets on that match and subsequent Maps will be void. Prior Maps that were played to completion will have action.
Sub-Sport Rules
- If at least five rounds of a Map are played with fewer than 10 competitors, all bets on the Map will be void.
- If a team retires, receives a win by admin decision or is disqualified before all scheduled rounds of a Map are played, all bets on that Map will be void.
- If at least five rounds of a Map are played with fewer than 10 competitors, all bets on the Map will be void.
- If a team retires, receives a win by admin decision or is disqualified before all scheduled rounds of a Map are played, all bets on that Map will be void.
Dota 2
- If a Map starts with fewer than 10 competitors all bets on the Map will be void.
- If a competitor disconnects in the first 10 minutes and is unable to reconnect or be replaced for the rest of the Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a competitor disconnects or quits after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
- If a walkover or win by admin decision is given in the first 10 minutes of a Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a win by admin decision is awarded after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
King of Glory
- If a Map starts with fewer than 10 competitors all bets on the Map will be void.
- If a competitor disconnects in the first 10 minutes and is unable to reconnect or be replaced for the rest of the Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a competitor disconnects or quits after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
- If a walkover or win by admin decision is given in the first 10 minutes of a Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a win by admin decision is awarded after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
Arena of Valor
- If a Map starts with fewer than 10 competitors all bets on the Map will be void.
- If a competitor disconnects in the first 10 minutes and is unable to reconnect or be replaced for the rest of the Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a competitor disconnects or quits after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
- If a walkover or win by admin decision is given in the first 10 minutes of a Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a win by admin decision is awarded after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
Heroes of the Storm
- If a Map starts with fewer than 10 competitors all bets on the Map will be void.
- If a competitor disconnects in the first 10 minutes and is unable to reconnect or be replaced for the rest of the Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a competitor disconnects or quits after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
- If a walkover or win by admin decision is given in the first 10 minutes of a Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a win by admin decision is awarded after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
League of Legends
- If a Map starts with fewer than 10 competitors all bets on the Map will be void.
- If a competitor disconnects in the first 10 minutes and is unable to reconnect or be replaced for the rest of the Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a competitor disconnects or quits after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
- If a walkover or win by admin decision is given in the first 10 minutes of a Map, all bets on the Map will be void. If a win by admin decision is awarded after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.
- If a Map starts with fewer than 12 competitors, all bets on the Map will be void.
Rainbow Six
- If a team retires, receives a win by admin decision or is disqualified before all scheduled rounds of a Map are completed, all bets on the Map will be void.
- The standings will be determined according to the official tournament ranking whenever possible. If the tournament does not make clear what it considers to be the final results the following formula will be used: Bets on an individual round will be determined based on the team or competitor that lasted longest. Bets on a day of play will be determined based on the total points (placement points + kill points) gained on that day by the team or competitors in question. Bets on the winner of an event will be determined based on the total points (placement points + kill points) gained by each team over the course of the event.
- The standings will be determined according to the official tournament ranking whenever possible. If the tournament does not make clear what it considers to be the final results the following formula will be used: Bets on an individual round will be determined based on the team or competitor that lasted longest. Bets on a day of play will be determined based on the total points (placement points + kill points) gained on that day by the team or competitors in question. Bets on the winner of an event will be determined based on the total points (placement points + kill points) gained by each team over the course of the event.
Free Fire
- The standings will be determined according to the official tournament ranking whenever possible. If the tournament does not make clear what it considers to be the final results the following formula will be used: Bets on an individual round will be determined based on the team or competitor that lasted longest. Bets on a day of play will be determined based on the total points (placement points + kill points) gained on that day by the team or competitors in question. Bets on the winner of an event will be determined based on the total points (placement points + kill points) gained by each team over the course of the event.
Esports Market Rules
- Map Duration Over/Under: A Total Duration (in minutes) is offered. Under bets win when the Map ends in fewer than that number of minutes and Over bets win when the Map lasts longer than that number. If the Map ends while that minute is displayed on the in-game scoreboard bets will be void.
- First Tower: Bets on the team that has one of their towers destroyed first lose, and bets on the other team win.
- First Blood: Bets on the team that is announced in-game to get “First Blood” win, and bets on the other team lose
- First Inhibitor: Bets on the team that has one of their inhibitors destroyed first lose, and bets on the other team win.
- First Barracks: Bets on the team that has one of their barracks destroyed first lose, and bets on the other team win.
- First Turret: Bets on the team that has one of their turrets destroyed first lose, and bets on the other team win.
- Will there be an Ace: Ace is defined as a single player who kills five enemies in a single round
- Will there be a Knife Kill: A Knife Kill is defined as a player killing an enemy using a knife in an official round.
- To Advance: Markets on teams “To Advance” or “To Win Final” are bets on which team advances to the next round of or wins a tournament. They have action when and wherever a match or stage is completed, regardless of if it is moved, delayed or postponed.
Fixture: An event on which bets can be placed.
General Sport Betting Rules Card Game
Period: A defined portion of a fixture.
Competitor: An individual taking part in a fixture.
Settle: The conclusion of a bet, at which point the payout is made based on the result of the market.
Result: The outcome of a market.
Action: A bet 'has action' as long as its conditions are met. Action means that a bet will be settled with a final result.
Void: Refund a bet for any reason. Most commonly when it can't be resolved because of something illegitimate about the market. When a market is void, all bets on that market are void.
Complete: A market with a valid final result that can be settled.
Count: Scoring events considered valid in the context of a market.
Multi-Way: A market where three or more participants compete.
In-Play: A market is considered “In-Play” once competition has begun.
Market: An offering on a fixture.
Bet: A risked stake with defined payout on the result of an event or combination of events.
Multiple: Combined bets with multiplied odds.
Teaser: Combined bets with fixed odds and improved handicap or total.
Conclusively Determined: Markets which have had a winner determined no matter what else happens in the period.
Scoring Unit: The unit of scoring used to determine the results of a market. For example, a soccer match can have markets for goals, corner kicks and bookings, each of which are scoring units.
- If the number of holes played in a tournament is reduced to 36 or more holes from the scheduled number for any reason (e.g. weather), bets placed prior to the completion of the final completed round have action. Bets placed after the final completed round will be void. If holes are reduced and fewer than 36 holes are completed, all bets will be void, except on rounds and markets that have already been settled.
- Bets on a golfer’s results in a tournament are void if that golfer does not start the tournament. Starting the tournament includes playing in qualifying rounds.
- A golfer is deemed to have played once they have teed off. Once they have teed off all markets on or including them have action, even if they withdraw.
- In the event that two or more golfers are tied for the lead at the end of regulation play, Pinnacle will respect whatever method is used to break the tie. All tied golfers who do not win the tiebreaker will be considered second-place finishers.
- Skins tournaments will be determined by the total money won by the competitors. Any format the tournament uses to break ties will be respected. The officially declared winner of the tournament takes precedence over the money won in case there is a difference.
Golf Market Rules
- Match-ups: Bets will be void if both golfers do not tee off. If one golfer misses the cut the other is deemed the winner, regardless of what happens after the cut. If both miss the cut, the lower scorer after the cut will be deemed the winner.
- Golfer’s Round Score: Bets will be void if the golfer does not complete the round.
- Next Hole Score: Bets will be void if the competitor does not complete the hole. Results are determined as the golfer leaves the green, regardless of any penalties incurred later on.
- Unless otherwise specified, Match-period bets do not include overtime.
- Unless otherwise specified, Game-period bets include overtime and penalty shootouts.
- For markets that include overtime, penalty shootouts are considered part of overtime. If a penalty shootout occurs, the winning team is credited with one goal.
- Bets on Match markets require a minimum of 55 minutes to be played for action. If a game is suspended before 55 minutes are played, bets on periods that have been played to completion will have action and all others will be void.
Hockey Market Rules
- Competitor Statistics: Includes overtime but does not include penalty shootouts.
- Regular Season Points: Will be settled when a team exceeds their points total and is expected to play all of their scheduled games or cannot possibly exceed their points total given their number of games remaining and are expected to play all of their scheduled games. If there is any reasonable doubt about whether or not a team will play a complete season, their Season Points markets won’t be settled until they do. Once Season Points markets have been settled, they will not be changed, even if a team plays fewer games than expected for any reason.
- Results are considered official after the medal ceremony. Any subsequent changes to those results for any reason are not considered.
Olympics Market Rules
- Individual’s Medal Totals Markets: The individual must start the first event they are scheduled to participate in for action.
- Weightlifting: Bets on all competitors will be void if no competitor completes the entire event.
- Country Medal Totals Markets: These markets will be settled at the conclusion of the Olympic Games with the results of the official medal table.
- Unless otherwise specified, only events that are open entry are considered Bracelet Events.
- A “session” is defined as one day of poker regardless of the amount of time played in that day, or if play passes midnight into the next day.
Poker Market Rules
- Match-ups: Both competitors must be seated at the table and play at least one hand in the event for action. The competitor that finishes higher in the money is considered the winner. If both competitors finish out of the money, then the competitor who plays in more sessions is considered the winner. If both competitors play the same number of sessions, and finish out of the money, the bet is void.
- All politics bets will be determined using the official result as declared by the local Electoral Commission or similar official body.
- If it is stipulated that a candidate “must announce”, bets only have action once the candidate officially announces that they will run for that office. If they don’t, all bets will be void.
- Once politics bets have been settled according to Rule #1, the result is considered final and will not change based on any other circumstance such illness, death or legal challenge.
- Unless otherwise specified, any overtime played is included for all Match-period markets.
- All bets will be void if fewer than 80 minutes are played, with the exception of matches that are scheduled to play less time.
Rugby Market Rules
- Scoring Margin Markets: Only count scoring in regulation time and do not include any overtime or “Golden Points”.
- In the event that a match is started and not completed, bets on the Money Line will have action as long as there is an official result. All other markets will be void.
- If a match is delayed and is not started within 12 hours of the originally scheduled time, all bets on the match will be void. Bets on periods that have been completed will be settled.
- All Match-period markets are based on two halves of 45 minutes of regulation time as well as any injury time, unless indicated otherwise. If a match is finished or abandoned before the completion of 90 minutes of play all bets on the Match-period are void. The exception to this rule is if a referee ends a match with an official result after at least 85 minutes of play. If a match is void because it finished early or was abandoned, periods that were played to completion (such as the 1st Half) will have action.
- Own goals do not count towards markets with named competitors.
- If a soccer match is played at a neutral pitch, whether it is indicated in the market or not, it will have action. If it is played at the pitch of the team listed second it is void.
- In-Play bets will be void if a Video Assistant Referee (VAR) decision materially affects the odds of the bets.
- Score and booking information are considered to be part of the market for In-Play bets. If that information is incorrect, then bets while incorrect information is displayed will be void.
- In friendly matches, if a red card is shown but play continues with the same number of competitors on the pitch, the red card score will be updated and bets will have action.
- Unless a duration of time is specified for a bet, injury time is included.
Soccer Market Rules
- Bookings: A Yellow Card is worth one and Red Card two. Two Yellow Cards on a competitor leading to a Red Card is worth three. Any cards shown to non-competitors (such as teammates on the bench, competitors leaving the pitch, the manager, coach or other staff) are not counted. Cards shown during the half-time break are counted towards the 2nd-half period bookings markets. Any cards shown after the whistle that ends regulation time will not be counted towards the markets for that game.
- To Advance: Markets on teams “To Advance” or “To Win Final” are bets on which team advances to the next round of or wins a cup or tournament. They have action when and wherever a match or stage is completed, regardless of if it is moved, delayed or postponed.
- Season Points: Will be settled when a team exceeds their points total and is expected to play all of their scheduled games or cannot possibly exceed their points total given their number of games remaining and are expected to play all of their scheduled games. If there is any reasonable doubt about whether or not a team will play a complete season, their Season Points markets won’t be settled until they do. Once Season Points markets have been settled, they will not be changed, even if a team plays fewer games than expected for any reason.
- League Winner & Relegation Markets: Will have action based on the official results of the league regardless of how many games each team plays.
- Home vs. Away Markets: If a match isn’t played at a team’s regular pitch, the team listed first will be considered the home team for Home vs. Away markets.
- In-Play 2-Way (“Asian”) Handicaps: Bets are settled according to the score for the remainder of the period after the bet has been placed. Any scores prior to the bet being placed are ignored for resulting purposes.
- Corners: In the event of a corner kick having to be retaken, only one corner kick will be counted. Corner kicks that are awarded and not taken are not counted.
- Penalty Shootouts: Handicap markets include goals scored on all kicks taken. Total markets count only goals in the first 10 kicks taken.
Sports Simulations
- Fixtures can be watched live and replayed on the Twitch channel listed on markets.
- All results are determined by a completely random computer simulation.
- Fixtures must be fully completed for bets to have action.
- If for any reason the game goes offline due to internet interruption, it will restart where it left off once the internet connection is back. However, if the game failed to auto save, then all progress up to that point will be lost and all bets on that fixture will be void.
- Bets on the full-fixture and 2nd-Half periods include any points scored in overtime.
- Games are played in “simulation mode” (CPU vs CPU).
Sub-Sport Rules
- 10 minute quarters
- The accelerated clock will be OFF
- There will be a five-minute pause during half-time for 2nd-Half betting
MLB The Show 20
- Nine inning games
- Six minute quarters
- 10 minute periods
- Quick Substitutes: On
- Match Conditions: Spring
- Game Speed: Normal
- If a competitor retires or is disqualified bets on the Match Money Line market will have action as long as one Set has been completed, otherwise these bets will be void. Bets on other markets will be void unless the period was played to completion before the retirement or disqualification.
Table Tennis
- If a competitor retires or is disqualified bets on the Match Money Line market will have action as long as one Set has been completed, otherwise these bets will be void. Bets on other markets will be void unless the period was played to completion before the retirement or disqualification.
General Sport Betting Rules Against
Teasers Rules
- Teasers are Multiple bets in which the bettor is given a more favourable Handicap or Total on each selection, but each selection must win in order for the bet to win.
- The payout for Teasers depend upon the Sport, League, number of Selections, and the size of the point adjustment. To find the payouts for various Teasers use the tables below.
- In a Standard Teaser, if one selection ties or is void for any reason and the rest win, then the tied or void selection will be removed and the payout will be determined using the adjusted number of selections. If there is only one remaining selection once all tied or void selections have been removed, then the entire Teaser is void.
- If one selection of any two-selection Teaser ties or is void for any reason, then the entire Teaser is void.
- If one or more selections in a Super Teaser tie or are void for any reason, then the entire Super Teaser is void.
- Pinnacle reserves the right to determine the base Handicap value to be used for any Teaser.
- All NCAA Football same game Teasers on games where the difference between the Handicap and the Total is less than 28 will be cancelled due to correlation.
Standard Basketball | |||
College and WNBA | 4 Points | 4.5 Points | 5 Points |
NBA Sides | 4.5 Points | 5 Points | 5.5 Points |
NBA Total | 6.5 Points | 7 Points | 7.5 Points |
2 Selections | 2 | 1.91 | 1.83 |
3 Selections | 2.8 | 2.6 | 2.5 |
4 Selections | 4 | 3.5 | 3 |
5 Selections | 5.5 | 5 | 4.5 |
6 Selections | 8 | 7 | 6 |
College Football Only | ||||
6 Points | 6.5 Points | 7 Points | 7.5 Points | |
2 Teams | 2 | 1.91 | 1.83 | 1.77 |
3 Teams | 2.8 | 2.6 | 2.5 | - |
4 Teams | 4 | 3.5 | 3 | - |
5 Teams | 5.5 | 5 | 4.5 | - |
6 Teams | 8 | 7 | 6 | - |
College Football Same Game | ||||
6 Points | 6.5 Points | 7 Points | 7.5 Points | |
2 Teams | 2.05 | 2 | 1.91 | 1.83 |
Standard Football - NFL or NFL & College | |||
6 Points | 6.5 Points | 7 Points | |
2 Teams | 1.91 | 1.83 | 1.77 |
3 Teams | 2.6 | 2.4 | 2.2 |
4 Teams | 3.6 | 3.4 | 3 |
5 Teams | 5.5 | 5 | 4.5 |
6 Teams | 8 | 7 | 6 |
NFL Same Game | |||
6 Points | 6.5 Points | 7 Points | |
2 Teams | 2 | 1.91 | 1.83 |
Arena Football | ||
7.5 Points | ||
2 Teams | 1.91 |
Football Super Teaser | ||
10 Points | 13 Points | |
3 Teams | 1.77 | - |
4 Teams | - | 1.71 |
NBA Super Teaser | |
7 Points Sides 9 Points Totals | |
2 Teams | 1.5 |
3 Teams | 1.83 |
4 Teams | 2.4 |
5 Teams | 3 |
6 Teams | 4 |
- If a competitor retires or is disqualified bets on the Match Money Line market will have action as long as one Set has been completed, otherwise these bets will be void. Bets on other markets will be void unless the period was played to completion before the retirement or disqualification.
- All bets on a match have action as long as the match is completed within seven days of when it was originally scheduled to play.
- All bets have action regardless of any change of venue, court surface, or changing from indoors to outdoors and vice versa.
- If a match involves a “Super Tie-Break”: all bets have action except the Match Handicap and Total which are void.
- If a match involves a “Pro Set”: bets on the 1st Set Money Line and Match Money Line have action, all other bets on the Match-period are void.
- All Futures bets have action unless the market requires certain competitor(s) to start.
- The next point must be played for all In-Play bets to have action. If either competitor retires, is disqualified or does not continue to play for any reason all bets placed since the last point finished are void.
- Unless indicated otherwise, all Tennis Handicap and Total bets use Games won as the scoring unit.
- All Match-period markets use Sets as the scoring unit. All other periods use Points as the scoring unit.
- Golden Sets are not considered part of the result of a match.
Water Polo
- Unless otherwise specified, all bets are for regulation time only and do not include either overtime or penalty shootouts.
Winter Sports
- If an event is not completed within 48 hours of its original starting time, all bets on the event are void. If a shortened or suspended event is declared official within 48 hours of its original starting time, bets will have action and the official results will be used to settle all markets.
Sub-Sport Rules
- Alpine Skiing: At least one of the competitors must complete the entire event for action.
- Ski Jumping Match-ups: Both competitors must qualify and start the event for action. Official results will count regardless of the number of jumps made or rounds completed.

Introduction to Rules
We pride ourselves on our customer service and our commitment to operating our business fairly and in a responsible way. All transactions and bets placed with Coral are covered by our rules. Changes to our rules will be communicated to you on our website.
You must exercise your own judgement in choosing to place a bet. You acknowledge that, in placing your bet, you are not relying on any statement of any employee of Coral relating to the subject matter of the bet. The terms of your bet may only be varied by oral or written notice given by an authorised representative of Coral. Coral reserves the right to refuse part or all of a bet.
General Rules cover all sports, but are superseded by any rules specific to individual sports.
'All In' or 'All in Play or Not'
'All in' or 'All in play or not' markets are markets that have been priced up to reflect the fact that the selection may not take any part in the event. Therefore if your selection does not play, or take part in the event, your bet will stand as a loser.
Acceptance and Validation of Bets
Late bets
Bets can only be placed on the outcome of a future event or race, unless we are offering special ‘betting in-running prices’ for that event or race. If Coral mistakenly accepts a bet for an event that has already started then the bet will be void and your stake returned, except in the following circumstances:
- Where bets are taken after the start of an event, bets will stand if nothing has happened which would significantly alter the chances of the selection winning or losing.
- In the case of football matches, bets will be valid if they are placed within five minutes of kick-off, providing there has been no score in the match or no player has been sent off. If a player has been sent off or there has been a goal, or a penalty has been awarded but not yet taken, then the bet will be void and the stake returned.
All bets placed after the result of an event is known will be void win or lose.
Late Bets via Internet and Telephone Betting
Internet bets include bets placed on any of our remote channels such as Digital TV and WAP. In the case of such bets, the bet is struck when a bet id or receipt exists in our back end systems or database.
- In the case of Horse Racing, we would allow a horse bet to stand (win or lose) if only a small part of the race had elapsed and if no significant event had occurred, such as a horse falling or refusing to race.
Late Bets in our Coral Shops
- In the case of horse races, where our EPOS systems record an automatic “no more bets time”, if a bet is taken after the start of an event it will still be valid if it is placed before the automatic “no more bets time”. For horse races of less than one mile, the automatic “no more bets time” is set at 10 seconds after the actual start of the race. For horse races of a mile or greater, the automatic “no more bets time” is set at 20 seconds after the actual start of the race. Please note, for customers betting in shops in Ireland on races of 2 miles or greater the automatic 'no more bets' time is set at 30 seconds after the actual start of the race.
- In the case of dog and virtual races, where our EPOS systems record an automatic “no more bets time”, if a bet is taken after the start of an event it will still be valid if it is placed before the automatic “no more bets time”. For dog and virtual races, the automatic “no more bets time” is set at 2 seconds after the actual start of the race.
Account Corrections
Coral has the right to recover from you any amount overpaid and has your authority to adjust your account to reflect the true outcome and rectify the mistake. An example of such a mistake might be where a price is incorrect Acceptance and Validation of Bets) or where we enter a result of an event incorrectly.
Ante Post Bets
Ante Post bets are accepted on the basis of ‘all in’, whether the horse or selection participates or not. This means that if the horse or selection does not run or participate in the race/event named, the bet is a loser. This applies even if the selection was not entered in the race, as long as there was the possibility that it could have been entered at a later stage.
Ante-Post Horse Racing
Unless advertised differently ante-post bets will be declared void in the following circumstances:
the race is abandoned and does not take place at a later date at the same venue;
- the race is declared void;
- the race is moved to a different venue;
- the selection is balloted out;
- the selection was ineligible for the race at the time the bet was struck. For example, if after all entry stages have been closed, a bet has been struck on a runner who is not in the list of entries then the bet will be considered void;
- it is not possible for the selection to win at the time the bet was struck, for example the horse is dead;
- the ante-post bet is offered 'with a run' which is a specific ante-post bet where stakes are not lost on the non-running horse.
Postponed Race(s)/Meetings - Race(S) Run Another Day
All Ante-Post Bets Placed Before Final Declaration Stage
Bets will stand if the race is run on a later date at the same venue.
All Bets Placed After Final Declaration Stage.
If a bet is placed after the final declarations, but the race is postponed to another day, all bets will be void.
Each-Way Ante Post bets are settled according to the Each-Way terms advertised at the time the bet was placed. Ante Post selections can be included in most types of bets, including our range of speciality bets. However, any built-in bonuses and consolations specific to certain speciality bets (such as double the odds one winner on a Lucky 15/31/63 bet will not apply.
Betting In Play
Bet in Play is available on a number of live events. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the prices quoted are correct, the nature of live betting (i.e. constantly changing prices), means that on occasion, the price may have changed by the time the bet is placed. The correct price at the time the bet is accepted will be used to settle the bet.
Customers should be aware that certain 'live' feeds, be they on TV, radio or the internet are subject to delays and might be watching an event slightly behind or slightly ahead of other users. This includes live streaming provided by Coral.
A 'delay' is placed on all betting in play bets, the length of which varies depending on the sport.
As indicated in the Errors section, any live scores or clocks displayed on the site during a bet in play event are for guidance purposes only, and although we make every effort to ensure that this information is accurate, Coral accepts no liability should the displayed information be listed incorrectly.
Dead Heats
A dead heat in horse racing is when two or more runners finish tied for the same place in any race.
An example of this may be when two selections cannot be split by a photo finish and the course would determine both selections as the winner.
In order to calculate your returns in the event of a dead heat, you would need to divide your total stake by the number of selections which finished 'tied', and then multiply by the odds at which the bet was placed.
If you wish to make a query or complaint, as a first step you should as soon as reasonably practicable contact the shop’s Duty Manager if it is regarding a shop, or our Customer Support Team for any non-shop related points, for assistance. If you are unable to resolve your query satisfactorily with our shop manager you should then contact our Customer Support Team. If, having spoken to a member of the team, your query or complaint is not resolved, you can ask for the matter to be escalated to a manager or supervisor. Our manager/supervisor will look into your query/complaint in more detail and contact you back with a resolution within 24 hours. You will be given the name and status of the person to whom your query/complaint has been referred.
Any dispute or difference that arises out of or in connection with the Contract shall be determined by the Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS) whose ruling shall be binding. If, notwithstanding the above, the customer issues Court proceedings, Coral reserve the right to apply to stay those proceedings pending determination by the IBAS. If the customer fails or refuses to follow the ruling of the IBAS, the customer will reimburse all resulting expenses (including court fees) incurred by Coral.
Each-Way Betting
An Each Way bet is made up of 2 parts: the ‘Win' and the ‘Place'.
Each part is an equal stake, e.g. a £1 Each Way bet will have £1 on the ‘Win' and £1 on the ‘Place' (a total stake of £2).
The ‘Win' part of your bet is on your selection to win the event, and the ‘Place' part is on your selection to finish either first or in one of the pre-determined places.
If your selection wins, both the ‘Win' and ‘Place' parts of your bet will pay out. But if your selection only places, you will lose the ‘Win' part of your bet (and lose that part of the stake) but get paid out on the ‘Place'.
The odds for the ‘Place' are given as a fraction of the odds for the ‘Win' and will be displayed to you when you place your bet.
General Sport Betting Rules
Each-Way betting is most common in horse and greyhound racing, and is also usually available in other sports e.g. Football or Golf tournaments.
For Horse and Greyhound Racing, unless otherwise stated the ‘Place' part of Each Way bets will be given the following Place terms:
Non-Handicap Races
- 2 - 4 Runners Win Only
- 5 - 7 Runners 1/4 the Odds 1, 2
- 8 or more Runners 1/5 the Odds 1, 2, 3
Handicap Races
- 2 - 4 Runners Win Only
- 5 - 7 Runners 1/4 the Odds 1, 2
- 8 - 11 Runners 1/5 the Odds 1, 2, 3
- 12 - 15 Runners 1/4 the Odds 1, 2, 3
- 16 or more Runners 1/4 the Odds 1, 2, 3, 4
In other cases, including Horse Racing Ante Post, selected ‘feature’ Horse and Greyhound races, Football and Sports betting events, the Each Way ‘Place’ terms will be as advertised at the time the bet was placed.
Things to Consider
Please Note: Non-runners in a race can affect the Each-Way terms of your bet.
For example, if your bet is placed in an 8 runner race, and a horse later withdraws reducing the field to 7, the each-way terms will change from 1/5 odds first 3 places to 1/4 odds on the first 2 places only. Similarly, if a race is reduced from 5 runners to 4, the place terms will change from 1/4 odds for the first 2 places, to 'Win only'.
Enhanced Prices for Multiple Bets
Unless otherwise stated (onsite and/or within specific marketing) where special multiples are available (ie: Doubles, Trebles and upwards) the following rules will apply:
- Win bets only are accepted. Any Each Way bets taken in error will be settled to win.
- If any of the featured horses and greyhounds are non-runners all bets will be settled on the remaining selections at Starting Price (SP) unless it was an Ante Post bet on an all-in run or not basis then the bet will be a loser.
- For greyhounds If any non-runners or reserves are involved in the selected races, all bets placed prior to non runner will be settled at SP.
Football and All Other Sports
- Unless otherwise stated (onsite and/or within specific marketing), in the instance where one selection of an enhanced/price boosted multiple does not take place/participate or start (e.g. match abandoned) the bet will be voided and stakes returned to your account.
Coral make every effort to ensure that we do not make errors in accepting bets. However, if as a result of human error or system problems a bet is accepted at a price (which includes the odds, handicap provisions, and other terms and conditions or details of the bet) that is:
- materially different from those available in the general market at the time the bet was made; or
- clearly incorrect given the chance of the event occurring at the time the bet was made
After this, Coral will pay winnings at the correct price.
Where an incorrect handicap is displayed as a result of a technical or manual inputting error, we reserve the right to settle any affected bets at corrected odds to reflect those odds that would have been available had the incorrect handicap line been offered knowingly.
To establish the correct price Coral will consider prices available in the general market at the time the bet was made, including the prices offered by William Hill, Betfred, Bet Victor, Paddy Power and Bet365.
Examples of circumstances where this would apply are:
- the price is recorded as 100-1 when the price on offer in the general market is 10-1
- the margins for handicap betting have been reversed
If a bet is accepted in error by Coral on an event or outcome for which no Coral prices are available the bet will be void and your stake returned.
Any results, clocks or scores displayed on the site - for example during betting in play - are for guidance purposes only, and although we make every effort to ensure that this information is accurate, Coral accepts no liability should the displayed information be listed incorrectly.
Coral will seek criminal and contractual sanctions against any customer involved in fraud, dishonesty or criminal acts. Coral will withhold payment to any customer where any of these are suspected.
The customer shall indemnify and shall be liable to pay to Coral, on demand, all costs, charges or losses sustained or incurred by Coral (including any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit and loss of reputation) arising directly or indirectly from the customer’s fraud, dishonesty or criminal act.
Maximum Payouts
The maximum daily payouts on any bet, or bets, including Ante Post, are as detailed below. The maximum payout limits apply to individual events. The limits below refer to the total return on the bet, excluding the original stake. If a multiple bet has been placed which involves events with different maximum payout limits, the lowest limit will apply.
All maximum payout limits apply to any one customer, or group of customers acting together, who have backed the same combination of selections, including where placed in a series of bets, at a range of prices, over a number of days using different betting accounts and/or across different betting channels. Should we have reason to believe that a number of bets have been placed this way, the total payment of all those bets combined will be limited to one single maximum payout.
Coral shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of goods, or any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses.
Throughout these rules, ‘Full Service’ refers to horse and greyhound races for which full details (shows of betting, official off times and results) are broadcast to Coral and viewable in our shops by satellite and terrestrial media..
Horse Racing
Tote bets entered into the Tote On-Course Pool | Unlimited |
Racing in Great Britain & Ireland covered in our Full Service & Ante Post bets | £1,000,000 |
Racing in France and Dubai covered in our Full Service | £500,000 |
Racing in South Africa covered in our Full Service | £250,000 |
Racing in all other countries covered in our Full Service | £250,000 |
Racing not covered in our Full Service either in Great Britain & Ireland or abroad | £50,000 |
Tote bets not entered into the Tote On-Course Pool at all meetings covered in the Full SIS Service | £50,000 |
Tote bets not entered into the Tote On-Course Pool at meetings not covered in the Full SIS Service | £10,000 |
Greyhound Racing
Tote bets entered into the Tote On-Course Pool | Unlimited |
Ante Post and any race covered in our Full Service | £500,000 |
Races not covered in our Full Service from Belle Vue, Crayford, Hall Green, Hove, Monmore, Newcastle, Nottingham, Perry Barr, Romford, Shawfield, Sheffield, Sunderland, Swindon, Towcester and Wimbledon | £50,000 |
Open racing at any GBGB track | £25,000 |
Greyhound racing outside of the UK | £25,000 |
Tote bets not entered into the Tote On-Course Pool at all meetings covered in the Full SIS Service | £10,000 |
Bets on graded races at meetings not listed above will be void.
For all Men’s full International matches and the following competitions - English Premier League, Championship, League 1, League 2, FA Cup (1st Round onwards); French Le Championnat, German Bundesliga, Italian Serie A, Scottish Premier League, Spanish La Liga, UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League (both group stage onwards) unless otherwise stated on promotional material or #Getaprice markets | £1,000,000 |
For the following competitions - Australian A-League, English National League, Dutch Eredivisie, English League Cup, Norwegian Tippeligaen, Scottish Leagues (Championship, League 1, League 2), Scottish Cup (2nd Round onwards), Scottish League Cup, Swedish Allsvenskan unless otherwise stated on promotional material or #Getaprice markets unless otherwise stated on promotional material or #Getaprice markets | £500,000 |
For the following competitions - Spanish Segunda, Italian Serie B, German Bundesliga II, French 2nd Division, Danish Superliga, Finnish Veikkausliiga, Norwegian Adeccoligaen, Portuguese Primeira Liga, Swedish Superettan unless otherwise stated on promotional material or #Getaprice markets | £250,000 |
For all other Football competitions unless otherwise stated on promotional material or #Getaprice markets | £100,000 |
#Getaprice markets on any single event listed above | £25,000 |
Sports Betting
Tennis, Cricket, Golf, Major League US Sport (NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL), Rugby Union and Rugby League unless otherwise stated on promotional material and #Getaprice markets | £500,000 |
Snooker, Darts, Motor Racing, GAA (except Club GAA), Boxing unless otherwise stated on promotional material or #Getaprice markets | £250,000 |
Badminton, Bandy, Beach Volleyball, Bowls, Chess, Cycling, Field Hockey, Floorball, Handball, International Rules, Indoor Hockey and Skiing unless otherwise stated on promotional material or #Getaprice markets | £100,000 |
All Other Sports unless otherwise stated on promotional material or #Getaprice markets | £100,000 |
Club GAA and #Getaprice markets on any single event listed above | £25,000 |
Non Sports Betting
Irish Lotto and 49’s | £1,000,000 |
All Other Lotto Betting | £250,000 |
Virtual Racing and Virtual Sports | £250,000 |
Politics: UK General Election and US Presidential Elections | £250,000 |
Politics: Other | £100,000 |
esports (including esoccer) | £50,000 |
All other non sports events, unless exceptions apply | £10,000 |
Postponed Matches
For any cancelled or postponed match, any bets struck prior to the scheduled kick-off will be void. All bets stand on any match that is delayed prior to the scheduled kick-off time and takes place on the same day (local time). The only exceptions are matches that take place within a fixed date tournament framework eg Olympic Games, Tennis Tournaments, European Championships Finals, World Cup Finals etc then bets will stand (does not apply to non-tennis qualifying matches taking place outside of the fixed date tournament framework). See Individual Sport rules for superseding rules relevant to those sports.
Price Changes
All prices are subject to change and may, on occasion, be restricted to certain stake levels. The prices offered via our different business channels may vary. For example, our shops or on-course betting facilities, may offer slightly different prices from those available at our Call Centre or on our Website/Mobile Sites.
We will always endeavour to ensure that the process of placing your bet is as quick and simple as possible.
General Sport Betting Rules Uk
In some instances, where prices may be changing rapidly - e.g. in-play sports betting - the price of your selection may change between the moment you place your bet and the time at which your receive confirmation that the bet has been placed, the following scenarios apply:
If the price of your selection decreases - e.g. from 6/4 into 5/4 - your bet will not be placed and you will be presented with the option to place your bet at the new price.
If the price of your selection increases - e.g. from 2/1 to 5/2 - your bet will not be placed and you will be presented with the option to place your bet at the new price.
All bets placed on UK and Irish horse racing will be settled on First Past the Post AND the official result.
- First Past the Post: The immediate result after the race has been completed (see Exceptions below)
- Official Result: Announced at the 'weigh-in' on the day, after any Steward's Enquiries and/or objections have been considered. If a winner is disqualified after the official result is announced, the disqualification will not affect the settlement of bets.
The exceptions where First Past the Post does not apply and bets are only settled according to the official result are:
- A selection taking the wrong course
- A selection carrying the wrong weight or the jockey failing to weigh-in
- Any Ante Post bet
- A Forecast or Tricast bet
- A void race
- Any Tote/Pari-Mutuel bet
- A selection given as the winner in error by the judge
- A bet placed on a two-runner race or a special match bet
- A bet placed in a “without the favourite” or any other special market
- Aintree Grand National
- Any bet placed at the rails on a racecourse
- We pay FPP on UK & Irish racing ONLY - Horse racing bets placed on non-UK/Irish meetings are settled on the official result declared by the racecourse judge and confirmed by the ‘Weighed-In’ announcement. If a winner is disqualified after the official result is announced, the disqualification will not affect the settlement of bets.
Things to Consider
- This offer applies to winning single and multiple bets and the win part of Each-Way bets. There is no restriction on staking, and payouts are subject to our advertised Maximum Payout Limits.
- In the event of a double result, payout on the horse that was first past the post may be subject to a small delay while we process your winnings. The funds will be credited to your account as a manual adjustment.
In the case of Greyhound racing, bets are settled on the official result announced at the conclusion of the event. If a winner is disqualified after the official result is announced, the disqualification will not affect the settlement of bets.
In the case of Football and other Sports, bets are settled on the first result published by the official source/governing body or alternatively the official website of the relevant event, immediately after the match/event is finished. Any subsequent corrections or amendments to this result will not apply for settlement purposes.
If the result is not immediately available from the official source/governing body or the official website of the relevant event, or there is significant evidence that the official source/governing body or official website is incorrect, we will use independent sources such as Press Association to decide settlement.
In the absence of any consistent, independent evidence or in the presence of significant conflicting evidence, bets will be settled based on our own statistics.
Special Bets
We will sometimes offer special betting opportunities, for which the rules are not covered specifically in these Rules. In these instances, we will display the additional terms/rules in the text description that relates to the opportunity on the website, and bets will be settled accordingly.
Fixed Price Enhanced Multiple Bets
- An enhanced multiple bet is a win single only selection at a fixed price.
- In the event of a Dead Heat, selections will be settled as an SP (starting price)/ Standard Price accumulative bet with Dead Heat rules applied.
- All bets are struck at selection level e.g. Enhanced Jockey Multiples: in the instance a different jockey is declared to ride, the bet will stand on the horses selected not the Jockey.
- Horse Racing enhanced multiple bets - If a different jockey is declared to ride, the bet will stand on the horses selected.
- Where an enhanced multiple has selections affected by the withdrawal of another selection/s in a Racing market, selections may be settled as an SP (starting price) accumulative bet and a rule 4 deduction may be applied. (standard rule 4 deductions apply)
- Football enhanced multiple bets apply to 90 minutes only i.e. never include extra time.
- US Sports enhanced multiple bets Overtime and extra innings count.
- Standard trading rules will be applied to all variants/markets within the enhanced multiple.
If a selection in a single bet is made void the stake will be returned.
Void selections in multiple/accumulator bets will be treated as non-runners and the stake will run onto the remaining selections in the bet.
Withholding payment and our right to set off liability
We reserve the right to withhold payment and to declare bets on an event void if we have evidence that the following has occurred:
- the integrity of the event has been called into question
- the price(s) or pool has been manipulated
- match rigging has taken place
General Sport Betting Rules Yahoo
Evidence of the above may be based on the size, volume or pattern of bets placed with us across any or all of our betting channels. A decision given by the relevant governing body of the sport in question (if any) will be conclusive. If any customer owes any money to Coral for any reason, we have the right to take that into account before making any payments to that customer.